YES Forum events - Registration is open!

Social Cohesion in the Digital Transition

2024 Policy Event (19 - 20 November 2024, Brussels, Belgium)

The YES Forum Policy Event delves into the pivotal role of (young) citizens in shaping this transition and ensuring the well-being of all members of society within the framework of building a fairer and more inclusive European Union.

Join us as we explore in a participatory open forum the trends and challenges of social cohesion in the aftermath of the European elections.

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Members – Dialogues between young people and policymakers with BAG EJSA

17 July 2024

The YES Forum joined its founder member BAG EJSA’s 75th Anniversary celebrations participating in a regional gathering in Regensburg (Germany)

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Annual Event - Exploring the social challenges of the green transition

19 June 2024

YES Forum held its General Assembly and Annual Event 2024 in Piteå (Sweden) in collaboration with Piteå Kommun, focusing on the social challenges driven by the green transition. 

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Analysis - NEETs in Europe

3 June 2024

We have contributed to the publication DREIZEHN, edited by our member BAG EJSA, with an analysis of the situation of NEETs in the Danube region. 

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